Autoimmune conditions

These are conditions in which the body’s immune system mistakes its own healthy tissues for foreign ones and attacks them. Most autoimmune diseases cause inflammation that can affect many parts of the body. The symptoms often come and go and may be mild or severe. There are many different types of autoimmune diseases. They are more common in women and may be hereditary.

The most common autoimmune conditions include:

Approach to treatment of autoimmune conditions

Dr. Aleks Letnikovs’ approach to the treatment of autoimmune conditions is aimed at optimizing treatment methods, including lifestyle modification and the use of scientifically proven approaches of alternative medicine in combination with individualized clinical treatment protocols. It is not uncommon for his patients to stay in remission longer than on conventional standardized pharmacological protocols. This approach enables the effective treatment of serious diseases, while helping patients improve their quality of life rather than coping with various side effects after treatment.

Background information

Common signs and symptoms of autoimmune conditions:

Monitoring and treatment of autoimmune conditions

In the acute phase of the disease, well-known clinical protocols are used. Patients with autoimmune diseases require constant monitoring and treatment. However, almost all methods of treating these conditions often have a large number of side effects. As a consequence, close and regular monitoring is crucial since we might treat one symptom yet cause or trigger another.

“The treatment of autoimmune conditions entails a complex multidisciplinary approach that combines various methods of integrative medical treatment. This approach is adapted to each patient’s health condition. The same autoimmune condition in different patients may require a completely different approach.”

Dr. Aleks Letnikovs

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Dr. Aleks Letnikovs provides online consultations and home visits.