Treatment of adrenal fatigue syndrome

Adrenal fatigue is not a medically recognized condition. The underlying cause of adrenal fatigue syndrome is an uncommon disorder that occurs when a person’s body doesn’t produce enough of two hormones: cortisol and aldosterone. The symptoms of adrenal fatigue usually develop very slowly. Adrenal fatigue syndrome occurs in all age groups and both sexes and may be life-threatening.

The following symptoms are commonly associated adrenal fatigue syndrome:

Approach to treatment of adrenal fatigue syndrome

Treatment is prescribed after carrying out certain examinations and a differential diagnosis with other diseases with similar symptoms. The goal of the treatment is stabilizing adrenal gland hormone levels and relieving signs and symptoms. The treatment of adrenal fatigue syndrome entails two approaches: stimulating the adrenal gland to produce adequate levels of hormones or replacement therapy with hormones. In case of any serious disturbances in adrenal gland function, additional examinations are needed and the approach to the treatment might be different.

“Even though in many cases it takes years or even decades for cancer to develop, most patients are diagnosed with cancer at a very late stage or when it is incurable. On the other hand, modern medicine provides various non-invasive diagnostic methods that allow doctors to identify some possible triggers before the cancer has developed.”

Dr. Aleks Letnikovs

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